Un tremblement de terre d’une magnitude de 4,2 sur l‘échelle de Richter a été signalé au cours de la nuit de jeudi à vendredi au large de la côte britannique, à environ 2 kilomètres à l’ouest de Ramsgate, dans le Kent.
La police du comté a reçu des appels de citoyens inquiets après les secousses qui ont duré une dizaine de secondes.
Selon les médias britanniques, aucun blessé ni dégât n’ont été signalés. En revanche, l’incident a provoqué une vague de moqueries sur Twitter.
The full effects of the earthquake last night are only just being realised. #KentEarthquakepic.twitter.com/x5YtS44jxC
— Kyle (@kylegvl) May 22, 2015
Scenes of utter devastation here #staysafe#KentEarthquakepic.twitter.com/bt3oRniXAr
— Sam O'Brien (@samobrien32) May 22, 2015
"An earthquake measuring 4.3 on the Richter scale has hit Kent - causing widespread mild peril and sending patio chairs scattering."
— Thomas Parker (@TomParker) May 22, 2015
Dreadful scenes emerging from the #KentEarthquakepic.twitter.com/KME3B71VJi
— Lord Skip VC (@LordSkipVC) May 22, 2015
As the aftermath of the #KentEarthquake is revealed the clean up operation is expected to reach tens of pounds pic.twitter.com/gj7z8N7FWc
— Cruel Coppinger (@Cruel_Coppinger) May 22, 2015
— Ken Guy (@kenguy65) May 22, 2015
There was an earthquake in Kent and it spawned some great Twitter jokes http://t.co/hqVDlYjtMR#KentEarthquakepic.twitter.com/JA4kHcZxDq
— i100 (@thei100) May 22, 2015
Latest pictures of the earthquake devastation in Kent #prayforkentpic.twitter.com/7Xr0qSmGVP
— The Poke (@ThePoke) May 22, 2015
@block9rowz Hope you are all ok after the #KentEarthquakepic.twitter.com/Q7wBpCnddL
— Dave Keegan (@david64k) May 22, 2015