Prévisions météoApple Valley, États-Unis
Partly Cloudy/Wind
A mix of clouds and sun with gusty winds. High 27C. Winds S at 30 to 50 km/h. Higher wind gusts possible.
Windy with a mix of clouds and sun. High 81F. Winds S at 20 to 30 mph. Higher wind gusts possible.
- Lever du soleil: 07:24 am
- Coucher du soleil: 07:46 pm
- Risque de précipitations: 1 %
- Humidité: 40
- Vitesse du vent: 37 km/h 23 mph
- Direction du vent: S
- Index UV: 5
- T° ressentie: 24°C 75.2°F
- Précipitations: n/a
- Pression: 29.58 mb
- Visibilité: 16 km 10 mi