
Ils font la queue pour acheter l'iPhone 6

Ils font la queue pour acheter l'iPhone 6
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Par Euronews
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Des milliers de personnes à travers le monde ont fait la queue pendant la nuit devant les magasins d’Apple pour se procurer le nouvel iPhone 6.

#[View the story “iPhone 6 madness” on Storify]iPhone 6 madness

Thousands of people around the world have been queuing overnight at Apple Stores to buy the new iPhone 6.

Storified by euronews· Fri, Sep 19 2014 13:24:19

Some of them even had time to break it

First iPhone 6 sold in Perth is dropped by kid during an interview7VyFCLXvIpzE2z3sJhpVEg

自慢じゃないが、俺日本で1番最初にiPhone6の画面割った男だと思っている。 ルイ

Line at store in NYC stretches 6 city blocks. Remember the last time people cared about a Galaxy phone release?

The iPhone 6 line is 12 blocks long — and people are sleeping in boxes Insider

we jus got online for we iPhone 6 & their is NOBODY here!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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