
Japon : une "Vallée des Poupées" pour lutter contre le dépeuplement

Japon : une "Vallée des Poupées" pour lutter contre le dépeuplement
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Par Euronews
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A Nagoro, les poupées ont remplacé les habitants. Toutes sont l'oeuvre d'une femme de 69 ans qui lutte depuis des années et à sa façon contre le dépeuplement dont est victime son village.


Un village de montagne au Japon... Isolé, austère, et à la population étrange et silencieuse. A Nagoro, les habitants on été remplacés par... des poupées. Toutes sont l'oeuvre d'une femme de 69 ans qui lutte depuis des années et à sa façon contre le dépeuplement dont est victime son village.

Il ne reste que 27 habitants ici, alors maintenant à tous les coins de rue, aux arrêts de bus et jusque dans l'école communale, fermée il y a sept ans, ce sont ces pantins grandeur nature qui font la vie quotidienne de Nagoro.

"Alors dans cette école, j'ai recréé une journée portes ouvertes pour les parents, comme cela se faisait quand il y avait encore des gens et de l'action".

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Nagoro Scarecrow Village. #nagoro #iya #tokushima #japan

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Ayono Tsukimi a commencé son travail il y seize ans. Elle jure que sa mission de repopulation commence à porter ses fruits car, dit-elle, ses poupées attirent maintenant des touristes intrigués par ce lieu qu'on appelle maintenant la vallée des poupées.

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! It's the first anniversary of Posts From The Edge. To celebrate, over the coming days I'll be sharing a selection of weird travel photos you may have missed. Until 23 March I'll be reposting two extra images per day, each trawled from the depths of my Instagram feed. BONUS 1st ANNIVERSARY REPOST No5: Village of the darned I love Japan. I've visited the land of the rising sun many times over the years, and have had some unforgettable experiences – climbing Mount Fuji off season, interviewing Nintendo legend Shigeru Miyamoto, and exploring Hiroshima, Sapporo, Kyoto and other fascinating cities. Although I love the buzz of Tokyo and Osaka, I was also drawn to the unspoiled Iya Valley on Shikoku island – parts of which have barely changed since the middle ages. I'd seen photos of Nagoro – AKA Scarecrow Village – many times over the years. But when I realised the village was nestled in the Iya Valley, my mind was made up. I was going to visit the Iya Valley, come hell or high water! ORIGINAL POST: When the Japanese artist, Ayano Tsukimi, grew up in the remote village of Nagoro, over 300 people lived there. When she returned to Nagoro in the early 2000s after spending most of her life in the city of Osaka, Tsukimi discovered that the population had shrunk to just over 30. All Nagoro’s young people had left the village for better work opportunities in Japan’s major cities, and only the elderly and infirm were left behind. To bring life and colour back to the streets of Nagoro, Tsukimi got busy with a needle and created over 250 life-sized scarecrows, which she placed around the village and on the roads leading into town. Now Nagoro is better known as Scarecrow Village, and attracts visitors from across the globe. To read about unusual places you can visit around the world, check out my alternative travel blog, link in bio. My Instagram profile is packed with bizarre travel pics. I post two striking photos every weekday. I’ve snapped interesting and unusual people, places, animals and ceremonies around the world. I have such sights to show you! #japan #japantrip #japantravel #japanese #japantravelphoto #japanweird #nagoro #iya

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